
Derek Deal tee & poster comp

Jon Raffe Posted by Jon Raffe14th Jul 09


Good news! In conjuction with his interview, Derek Deal and The Black Axe boys have kindly offered up some goodies for you to win – A Derek Deal tee and ANY (subject to availability) poster from The Black Axe store. All you have to do is…

“Tell us what you would do if you had a #blackaxe!”

In order to enter this competition send any tweet to @thunderchunkyuk but remember to use the following hashtag – #blackaxe

So for example you could put…

“I would carve ornate sculptures of all the original Streets of Rage characters with my #blackaxe.”

We will pick the most creative and our favourite and they will receive the Black Axe / Derek Deal goodies! Entries close Tuesday 21st July so get tweeting!