Inspired by stars, planets, bubbles and girls, Tara McPherson‘s art is distinctly appealing to vinyl toy collectors, art lovers and poster enthusiasts amongst many.
That’s why her second book Lost Constellations – featuring all her recent outer world paintings really needed a European tour!
We caught up with Tara on the 2nd date of her tour in manchester this weekend at the Richard Goodall gallery. There was a fantastic array of work on display from stickers, screenprinted posters, art prints and her ‘Gamma Mutant Space Friend’ toys to my favourite – Cushions! Yes! And she was an exceptionally inspiring lady to boot.
Pics from the Richard Goodall gallery signing
Luckily for you we nabbed a signed a copy of her book – Lost Constellations for you to win!
All you have to do is simply twitter us (@thunderchunkyuk) and begin your message with “I heart Tara Mcpherson because…” and the book could be yours!
You can get inspiration from Tara McPherson’s site.
Entries close Monday 22nd June. Good luck!
Alternatively you can purchase your own copy of the book over on Amazon!