Journey of Dave

Journey of Dave

Mike Ng Posted by Mike Ng24th Oct 08

Journey of Dave

What do you get when you mix a £120 worth of fake fur, 4 days of hardcore sewing and sweating and an obsession with monster bunnies?

Keaton Henson‘s latest in-store exhibition – Journey of Dave! The fabulous draw-a holic John Malcolm Moore also helped give birth to the purpose-built 9ft bunny installation for the ?ºber cool Pure Groove shop.

Click here to read the Journey of Dave

Additionally, the shop also boasts an elite 100 items made up of 7″, vinyl or CD’s, each hand picked and selected as music “gold”, casting aside popular acts, back catalogues or visual clutter giving the shop a clean minimalist look. If you’re in the Farringdon area of London check it out today!