McBess | Malevolent Melody

Stephen Chan Posted by Stephen Chan9th Feb 10


One day, in the early month of February at Thunder Chunky HQ, under a mountain of paper and magazines, next to the post-it notes and the Chuck Norris-isms book laid a small black square comic. Not just any comic, it was the McBess ‘Malevolent Melody’ comic.

“..Malevolent Melody – tells the story of a young McBess’s journey through forgotten melodies to find the ultimate source of his character’s amnesia..”

This awesome short story leads up to the unveiling of a Vinyl record at the back of the book. With a pen in one hand, and a guitar in the other, McBess blows our minds with his artwork, followed by the powerful sounds from his band, ‘The Dead Pirates’ (Watch the McBess Music Video).

Released last year Nov/Dec 2009, it’s McBess’s first comic, in collaboration with the freshest and hippest new publishers in town, Nobrow.

Have a Sneak Peak inside to get a better idea of what you’re getting. After that, you’ll want to press this button – Buy Here!!!