McFaul Showcase


Jon Raffe Posted by Jon Raffe29th Mar 05

McFaul Showcase

Its been a busy year. A non-stop image making frenzy. I can’t tell you why and I can’t tell you when but I seem to have found myself talking to Americans about projects at the strangest of hours lately. 11pm on my way back from an evening in London. In the rain on the A3. Talking to Jessica and Tiffany from Crispin Porter & Bogusky about the feasibility of getting her two samples for a Virgin Atlantic pitch she had in the morning. Now I’m not usually one for ‘pitching’ as I NEVER seem to win any but this job seemed to be a bit special. They had this crazy idea of producing some ‘collectible stickers’ to be put on the suitcases of the rich and famous VIP jet-set. Strange, I thought!…but kinda cool…

The samples were sent early morning and the pitch went ahead. Tiffany rang me later that night to tell me it was all successful only now the images were not only going to be used as stickers they are to be BIG posters, some of which are to be autographed by myself and auctioned (honestly!!), and t-shirts…ha ha.

Awesome job!

I might even wrangle a few flights out of them. New York this Christmas?? Hmmm…

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