
TC Hijacked | by Stephen Chan | pt1 “COMPETITION”

Stephen Chan Posted by Stephen Chan27th Aug 09


Ahem.. testing testing, hello all, this is Stephen Chan, an editor of Thunder Chunky. Today I have Hijacked TC for my personal use, and as a thank you, to all loyal TC + SC lovers and regulars (oh, and as a build up to my birthday, which is also MJ’s birthday). Part One: I’m going to launch my first competition to win one of my screenprints (featured as a part of the Editions / Power in Numbers Exhibition by Cure Studio and Print Club London) The idea behind the print plays with the exhibition theme ‘Power in Numbers’, how this power if misused can lead to war and destruction, but if used wisely can stop wars and create peace.

Instructions on how to win one of these screenprints:

“All you have to do is use your wonderful gift of imagination, and come up with an interesting, weird, wacky, delightful, etc answer to complete this simple sentence “…if I had 1000…” eg. “…if i had 1000 > jellybeans, I would grow a jellybean forest and make a land of candy…”

Option A: Follow my twitter or thunderchunky’s. And answer the above question, directing it to either accounts with the hashtag #TCxStephenChan

Option B: Just simply answer the question by commenting below…

But don’t worry if you are not a winner, we are all winners (well, maybe just 50 more of us, as they’re a limited edition of 50, and can be purchased here. Stay tuned for Part Two of my TC Hijack later today :)…



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