TC Print ProjectTC Print Project Contributors

TC PRINT PROJECT VOL.1 now available to buy

Jon Raffe Posted by Jon Raffe9th Dec 07

TC Print Project

Way back in January of this year, we here at Thunder Chunky decided that it was about time we ventured into the realm of print. After much throwing-around of ideas and a lot of umming and ahhing, we finally decided that our first project should be nice and simple. Our plan was to produce a set of prints which was evocative of what TC is all about… showcasing great artists, and getting an insight into how they think.

So we got six great illustrators and designers on board (shown below) and asked them to produce a piece of artwork featuring the words “Thunder Chunky” and also to document the process involved in creating the work to go on the back of their print.

TC Print Project Contributors

TC Print Project Vol.1 contributors

From that point it has taken us a while to get here, but we’re finally in a position to unleash them on the world. They’re a limited edition of 250, and we’ll never be doing a re-run, so get them while they’re hot. They’re printed full-colour double-side on 350gsm card, with a semi-gloss finish to them and they come in their very own screen-printed plastic sleeve.

Thanks to all the artists for contributing to the project and thanks to everyone who chipped in and helped out with their print expertise. Hopefully this will be the first of many TC products, so go and buy them in our nice new SHOP!

Be sure to check out more of the work of the contributors to this project: Ben The Illustrator, Jon Burgerman, Kev Speck, Jeremyville, The Boy Fitz Hammond and McFaul.